PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

graphreduce 1.7.6 Leveraging graph data structures for complex feature engineering pipelines. 2025-01-25 22:39:31
quick-feature 0.0.1.dev0 Fast and Efficient Feature engineering with Polars based dataframe 2024-11-23 07:51:10
premium-primitives 0.0.3 2024-03-19 14:46:14
nlp-primitives 2.12.0 natural language processing primitives for Featuretools 2024-02-26 18:56:24
featuretools 1.30.0 a framework for automated feature engineering 2024-02-26 17:29:35
adaptivebridge 1.1.0 Revolutionizing ML adaptive modelling for handling missing features and data. The model can predict missing data in real-world scenarios. 2024-01-29 13:21:58
winner 0.0.1 A python package for data-centric MLOps for data cleaning and feature engineering 2023-09-28 14:23:04
PBFS 2.0.0 Performance Based Feature selection Technique: Prototype 2023-09-27 12:31:39
trajpy 1.4.3 Empowering feature engineering for trajectory analysis across domains. 2023-08-18 13:30:36
sk-transformers 0.10.3 A collection of various pandas & scikit-learn compatible transformers for all kinds of preprocessing and feature engineering 2023-03-10 07:33:51
imperio 0.1.5 Imperio is a python sci-kit learn inspired package for feature engineering. 2023-02-05 15:13:21
reparo 0.0.6 Reparo is a python sci-kit learn inspired package for Missing Value Imputation. 2023-02-05 14:46:32
pycircular 0.1.2 2023-01-17 01:06:14
bigfeat 0.1 Automated feature engineering library 2023-01-11 12:55:35
featuretools-sql 0.0.5 directly import and convert their relational data into a Featuretools 2022-12-20 19:31:34
anovos 1.1.0 An Open Source tool for Feature Engineering in Machine Learning 2022-12-02 16:00:19
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